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Wellness and Vaccination Programs

Help us keep your pet healthy by bringing him or her in for regular exams and vaccinations. Dogs and cats (and other pets) age far faster than people, so significant changes in your pet’s health can happen in a short time. Wellness programs allow us to diagnose diseases and conditions early, when they’re easier to treat or manage. Often, we can help prevent diseases entirely, just by ensuring that your pet has received appropriate vaccinations and preventives. We recommend that healthy adult dogs and cats visit us once a year. Puppies, kittens, senior pets, and pets with health issues or illnesses need more frequent checkups. We’ll work with you to create a wellness program, including a vaccination and prevention protocol, for your pet. Call us today to schedule your pet’s wellness exam.

Puppy Wellness


At Mullen Small Animal Clinic our puppy wellness program is designed to offer your new puppy all the benefits of veterinary services available to him / or her from 6 weeks of age to 16 weeks of age.

On your first visit your puppy will receive a complimentary bag or case of food. We feel strongly that good nutrition is very important.

Included in this service is a series of examinations and vaccinations including rabies, distemper, parvovirus, etc.

In addition, your puppy will be tested for worms and be treated for the most common intestinal worm of puppies – roundworms. Roundworms can cause gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting and / or diarrhea. There are other parasites that can cause similar symptoms and can even cause your puppy to become anemic (low red blood cells). Performing a fecal test will allow us to treat your puppy accordingly. Although some worms are visible to the naked eye, most worm burdens are diagnosed by examining the stool of your puppy microscopically.

Please bring a stool (fecal) sample with you on each puppy visit. The fecal analysis is included in each puppy vaccination.

When you come to the hospital for your vet appointment, be sure to set aside at least a half hour. We spend a lot of time helping you cope with common puppy behavior issues. We want you to be happy with your puppy and enjoy a long relationship together.

Kitten Wellness


At Mullen Small Animal Clinic our Kitten Wellness Program is designed to offer your new kitten all the benefits of veterinary services available to him or her from 6 weeks of age to 12 weeks of age.

Included in this service is a series of veterinary examinations and vaccinations including rabies, panleukopenia (distemper), leukemia, and the upper respiratory viruses.

In addition, your kitten will be tested for worms and be treated for the most common intestinal worm of kittens – roundworms. Roundworms can cause your kitten to vomit and / or experience diarrhea; however, it is possible for your kitten to have roundworms and not show any signs of harboring the worms. A microscopic fecal examination could detect the presence of these worms. The examination will also look for other types of worms that can affect your kitten. Please bring with you a fecal (stool) sample.

Nail trims and fecal examinations are included in each kitten visit as well as a cat nip knot toy!

Senior Pet Wellness


Once your dog turns 7 years of age or your cat turns 8 years of age, we recommend that they undergo a Senior Wellness Exam and Diagnostic Work-up.

Even though you may believe your pet is normal, there are many disease processes that do not show any outward sign until the disease is quite advanced. More advanced diseases can be more difficult to treat and are not always as responsive to treatment as diseases diagnosed early.

Many symptoms that historically have been attributed to old age and considered untreatable are now treatable. For example, some dogs that appear to have lost their mental alertness can be returned to a mental status indicative of a younger age by using appropriate therapy. Please feel free to contact us to discuss our senior wellness program in more detail.